Hassaan Aamiri Noori

Hassaan Aamiri Noori 

Maulana mausuf born on 10th May 1976 (10-5-1976) in Bangalore,for some years he stayed in Bangalore,then went to his native Tripattur located in Tamil Nadu State,at the age of 8years he returned back to Bangalore and joined Islamia School Tilak Nagar thereby learning English and Urdu for 1year.
On Father’s desire he  joined Jamia Nooria Madiwal Bangalore to learn the Islamic education,during the tenure he has taken the courses of Naza,Hifz,Alimiyat,then in 1998 got graduation from Alimiyat,after three months of completion he started doing Imamat and Speeches.

Namaz Ka Falsafa By Hassaan Aamiri Noori 25.03.2016 



Challenge To Wahabi About Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti 



Fatiha o Niyaz ki Haqiqath By Hassaan Aamiri Noori (01,05,2015 



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